Wednesday, December 07, 2005


The quarry series seemed like a natural place to start. Now...what to do?! Everyone likes pet pictures, RIGHT?! This is Berkeley, my 4 1/2 year old golden retriever and my shadow. He's with me in my office, he's my walking companion, he'll even try to crawl under the piano when I play (and it's an upright). He's usually not a very cooperative photo subject. But once in awhile...he'll agree to pose.

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Hi Kat,Playing catchup on journal reading, happy to see that you started your photo journal. Gets addictive, find myself sometimes spending more time on the photo journal (MyPhotojournal) than I do on the personal one. Have fun with it! TerriComment from
hsent - 3/2/04 3:11 PM

PRETTY !!VinceComment from
deabvt - 3/2/04 8:06 AM

Liked my visit to your photoblog, and although I thought the quarry series was interesting, Berkely's picture is the best.Comment from
hrmore1956 - 3/2/04 1:41 AM

Berkeley is Beautiful !!! I'ts all in the eyes. Simpy Lovely~RC~Comment from
queenz43 - 3/1/04 7:46 PM

What a great pic! But your subject looks bored LOLComment from
onetheretwohere - 3/1/04 4:47 PM

Sorry to double comment, but I just had to say that the clover is the best touch to this photo! I love it! ~KimComment from
edgebag - 3/1/04 8:42 AM

Kat, these pics are beautiful! Do you use a digital or have 35mm transferred to disk? ~KimComment from
edgebag - 3/1/04 8:41 AM

I have always loved Golden Retrievers...and last year, I was able to adopt a Golden mix...she's a petite Golden, about 40 pounds, and one of the sweetest dogs I've ever owned. There's just something about a Golden's face that just makes you smile. Great pic!!PatrickComment from
pattboy92 - 3/1/04 3:06 AM

What a sweet picture. He looks like he's thinking, "okay mom, take the picture so I can rest now. I know how cute I am!" And I love the details of the clovers in the grass.Comment from
daphneh2o33 - 2/29/04 7:38 PM

Puppyyyyyyyyyyyy! Awwwwwwwwww! He's so sweet!!!Comment from
somenuttychic - 2/29/04 5:23 PM

Nice photo journal! CarolComment from
eynl - 2/29/04 11:12 AM

AWWWWW, What a SWEETIE!Comment from
lifes2odd - 2/29/04 10:12 AM


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