Saturday, December 10, 2005


I am really itching to get outside for some pictures and the weather just IS NOT cooperating. We are getting substantial snow today...and I was ready for spring. Yesterday, I saw a few bunches of little snowdrops that had bloomed and I tried to get a picture of them But it was too windy and I just couldn't get a good exposure. I was disappointed - up close they are beautiful.
So - I'm dipping into the archives again.
I love cats...I always have. But we can't have cats because we have TWO family members with allergies. However, this little fellow was my kitten fo a couple of days one summer. One day, I heard meowing under my deck. My husband (allergic person and cat hater) was out of town. So I coaxed the kitten out and we kept him in the laundry room until we could find him a good home. He was a total sweetheart. I hope he's happy.

This entry has 8 comments:

Great cat photo Kat! Love the close up of the face.Comment from
hsent - 3/19/04 1:26 PM

wow,that`s a great pic !!!!!VinceComment from deabvt - 3/17/04 2:39 PM

Oh... how sweet... I just want to kiss his little nose!! Great picture!Comment from daphneh2o33 - 3/17/04 10:56 AM

Love the eyes! Very nice.Comment from sepintx - 3/17/04 12:04 AM

OOOOOOOOOOO i LOVE THIS ONE!!! XXOOOComment from ckays1967 - 3/16/04 9:41 PM

Incredible photo. I'm still trying to figure out to reduce redeye, much less capture such wonderful definition. Visual skills aren't my strong point, but I do enjoy them so.Comment from sistercdr - 3/16/04 7:04 PM

Kat, what a great shot. I too am allergic to cats and I hate it because my baby and my hubby love them. My baby loves them so much that he told me he'll just have to get a new mommy that loves cats. I considered getting allergy shots but can't bear the thought of needles so I get him all the stuffed cats that I can. I showed him this photo and he asked if we can buy him. Awwwwww! Glad to see you back. ~RC~Comment from queenz43 - 3/16/04 6:46 PM

Lovely shot.. this cat's eye's are so expressive. ¤HollyComment from
quroboros - 3/16/04 3:49 PM


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